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By Pharm Taiwo, Vb MSR

If you are asked to choose between wealth and health, what would you pick? Questions like this would almost put anyone on the crossroad of having to decide what is more important to them but there is a saying that health is wealth. Essentially, you have to be healthy to think of making money. In recent times, there have been so much emphasis on mental health and that is because with all the troubles in the world and the personal challenges that people go through, your mental state of mind should be prioritised and cared for just like the rest of the body.

World Health Organization defines mental health as a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to contribute to his or her community. Our ability to think, make critical decisions, show emotions all depend on our mental health and these are activities that take place every day of our lives. It is important that we adopt healthy lifestyles that will help us navigate everyday stress and maximize our energy for work. A few of the healthy tips to try are:

Take care of yourself

Sometimes we might get overwhelmed with work that we forget to take time out for ourselves. The ability to stay productive at work is dependent on our physical health and state of mind. When the mind is disturbed or feels pressured, there is a likelihood that work productivity will decline. If you notice regular mood swings, this might be indicative of some underlying issues that have been left unaddressed. You need to identify and address the root problem. Are you feeling overworked? Are you sleep deprived? Have you been starving yourself of healthy foods? Take intermittent breaks from work to refuel your energy. What activities excite you? Create time for them. When your mind is happy, you are most likely going to feel good about every other thing around you. Take a walk in the evenings to clear your thoughts, go for workouts, eat healthy meals – fruits and vegetables inclusive. They contain vitamins and minerals that your body need to cope with stress, get enough sleep (up to 6 to 8 hours daily). Cutting down tobacco, alcohol and caffeine intake can improve sleep and overall wellness. Prioritize self-care and create personal time to cater for your mental wellbeing.

Practice mindfulness and meditation

Meditation is a way of focusing attention on the present and eliminating negative thoughts and worries. It can help you relax better and calm your mind. You focus your concentration and eliminate muddled thoughts that may be cluttering your mind. Consistent practice of meditation could lead to improved physical and mental well-being

Build a meaningful support system

We are social beings who thrive better with love and support from people around us. It is important to have a close-knit circle you trust that you can talk with when you have pressing issues bothering your mind. It will help you deal better with day-to-day issues and navigate difficult decisions. Having great company that you can run to in challenging times helps avert the risk of slipping into depression and loneliness.

Limit exposure to stress triggers

We have earlier talked about identifying your stress triggers. Another important thing is to limit exposure to the triggers that are within your control. If you have identified that lack of sleep makes you unproductive and looking fatigued during the day, you don’t want to go long days without proper sleep. Some people cannot concentrate well on tasks without having proper breakfast. Feed your body and mind with what keeps them active and productive, and you would have less to worry about stress. Supplements containing antioxidants are highly recommended as boosters to provide needed vitamins and minerals for stress relief memory retention and concentration. The Vitabiotics Neurozan supplement contains essential ingredients including Vitamin E, Co-enzyme Q10, Gingo biloba, Omega-3, Zinc, Selenium which play important roles in reducing anxiety and depression, improving brain functions, improving mood and attention.

Get medical help when needed

If you have tried every recommendation and your stress levels are not improving, your mood keeps fluctuating and you seem not to be in control of your emotions, you may need to see a health care practitioner to assess your mental health thoroughly.



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