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IMMUNACE®: Strengthening your immune system against infections.

By Pharm Taiwo, Vb MSR

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Your immune system is an intricate, co-dependent structure of white blood cells, antibodies, complex proteins, networks, and organs. Some parts of the system act as literal barriers, preventing viruses and bacteria from reaching organs like your brain, while others hunt and remove invaders from your body.

Key facts about the immune system

  • Your immune system is your friend. It protects your body from infection. Give it your full support and, as with any friend, there will be perks.

  • Eating fruits and veggies keeps your immune system strong. Studies show that people who eat a lot of them get sick less. The nutrients in them can help your immune system fight viruses and bacteria.

  • Sleep is one of the most important health behaviors for optimal immune function, mental and physical health, and quality of life. Sleep needs vary by person, but most adults need 7-8 hours a night. Teens need 9-10 hours, school-aged kids need at least 10 hours, preschoolers need 11-12 hours, and newborns need 16-18 hours.

Tips to boost your immune system

  • Exercise: Moderate intensity physical activity is associated with better immune function, lower levels of anxiety, and perceived stress. Keep moving, try indoor/outdoor activities, try yoga or even also try muscle strength training: Download a strength workout app to your smart phone, such as the 7-Minute Workout (no equipment necessary, Android, iOS).

  • Food: Nutrition is a critical component of your immune response. Just like poor nutrition can deteriorate your immune system, quality nutrition can be the foundation for strength. Balanced nutrition, can enhance your ability to resist infections and remain healthy.

Modest amounts of a combination of these 5 essential vitamins and minerals will keep your body healthy viz-a-viz:

  • Vitamin C has antibodies, which help fight against bacteria and infections. Try consuming more oranges, grapefruit, broccoli, strawberries, red bell peppers and tomato juice to get your fill of Vitamin C.

  • Vitamin D is used to fight off infections and to maintain strong bones. Find Vitamin D in salmon, mushrooms, fortified milk, cereals and breads.

  • Vitamin A helps to regulate the immune system and protects against infections by keeping your tissues and skin healthy. Vitamin A can be found in foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, apricots and spinach.

  • Vitamin E is another essential antioxidant, whose job is to fight cell damage. Plant based foods such as nuts and peanut butter are filled with vitamin E.

  • Zinc works as an antioxidant and boosts the metabolism along with helping to heal wounds. Meat, shellfish, beans/legumes and nuts/seeds are high zinc foods.

We need a synergistic approach to supporting the immune system.

The answer is simply IMMUNACE®.

IMMUNACE® has been developed by Vitabiotics nutritional experts, and Professor Anthony Diplock, formerly Guys Hospital & president of the International Antioxidant Research Centre in London, an expert scientist in antioxidant research.

  • More than just selenium+ vitamins A,C,E. The first ever truly comprehensive support for the immune system function.

  • The first to pioneer the role of Vitamin D and mineral co-factors in immune system function.

  • Proven in the highest standards of clinical research. World’s first controlled trial showing a significant clinical benefit from micronutrient supplementation in HIV-positive individuals4.

Deficiencies of specific micronutrients are a well-known cause of immune dysfunction and an adequate intake of minerals including iron and zinc and the vitamins A, D, E, B6 and B12 are important to maintain a healthy immune function. Some key vitamins that play role in enhancing the immune system have been mentioned earlier and are all contained in IMMUNACE®. Other key micronutrients and vitamins are:

  • Selenium is directly involved in preservation of cell membrane integrity and DNA integrity.

  • Zinc is essential for cell growth and division, immune function, enzyme reactions, DNA synthesis and protein production.

  • Carotenoids – provide a source of vitamin A and may protect immune cells and DNA from oxidative stress.

  • Vitamins C and E contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C levels drop when the body is exposed to infection.

  • L-Cysteine – Amino acid and building block for enzymes including Super Oxide Dismutase and Catalase.

In summary, while you may not be able to completely avoid getting sick, a strong and healthy immune system can be your first line of defense. Focusing on your immune health can also help take the edge off your symptoms if you do get sick.


(4) A randomized trial of the impact of multiple micronutrient supplementation on mortality amongst HIV infected individuals living in Bangkok. Jiamton et al., AIDS 2003, 17:2461-2469


2 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
15 feb 2022

With all these explanation, it's quite imperative that every family should include IMMUNACE in their intakes. It'll do them a lot of goodness.

Me gusta

Miembro desconocido
28 jul 2021

Good products

Me gusta

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